============================= Compound-Protein interaction ============================= GENERAL DESCRIPTION: -------------------- This dictionary contains all the sentences extracted from PubMed titles and abstracts that were published before July 2019, and contain at least one compound-protein pair and functional relationship of each pair using the all-path-graph kernel and shallow liguistic kernel. CONTENTS: --------- 1. CPI-DS.xml: The benchmark dataset. It consists of 2,613 sentences and 5,562 compound-protein pairs are annotated manually. 2. output.apg.zip : The functional relationship of compund-protein pairs by applying all-path-grapgh kernel (APG-kernel). 3. output.sl.zip : The functional relationship of compund-protein pairs by applying shallow ligusitic kernel (SL-kernel). 4. output.mv.zip : The functional relationship of compund-protein pairs by combining the prediction of both kernels using majority voting. 5. pairOccurrences.zip: The times of occurrences of each pair in terms of functional and non-functional relationships(based on the output.mv.zip). 6. whitelist_verbs.txt: Interaction verbs List. These verbs have been defined in the publication of the web service prolific (Senger and GrĂ¼ning et al., 2012. Mining and evaluation of molecular relationships in literature. Bioinformatics).